29 May 2021

Helm Crag

A 7km walk before lunch with Steve, Katherine, Tom and Alex.

Route: with prior permission, leaving the car at Tweedies around 11am and walking to the centre of Grasmere and up the Easedale Road past the Lancrigg vegetarian B&B. At the end of the road, turning right onto a stony track and then right again onto the route up the Helm. Following the switch backing path eventually onto the ridge and along to the top. None of the party except Alex attempting to scale the Howitzer and he eventually deciding that discretion was the better part of valour. Descending to the next saddle and taking the clear and steep path, loose in places, directly down the hillside to the valley path. Here pausing to cool feet, and in one case fall in, before returning, making use of the Poets Permissive Path into the Lancrigg’s gardens and a corner cut to the road from Allan Bank to return to the pub for lunch only a little late for 1:30pm.

Conditions: initially cloudy but warm and becoming warmer still as the sun broke through. 

: Tweedies for Thornbridge Crackendale, too many soft drinks to mention and lunch.