27 August 2021

Binsey and a swim in Bassenthwaite

A stroll on impulse, driving back after lunch at the Drover’s Arms, followed by the 6th swim of the week.

Route: leaving the car at the obvious Binsey car parking area to its south east and taking the main path up but diverting, twice over, to shallower paths to the left before finally turning right to reach the actual summit.

Afterwards, parking on the roadside between Cottage Wood and Herdwick Croft (by the bridge over the River Derwent) and dropping down by a rough path to a clear gravel path running parallel to the lake, some 30m from it. Turning right and going another 100m before turning left on a vague path to share a small point of departure with another swimmer. After a long shallow walk on shifting stones, finally swimming.

Conditions: sunnier than earlier - and hot in the sun - though with a cooler air temperature.

Pub: earlier, the Drover’s Arms, Monkhill (here). Later, Fyne Ales Jarl at the Swan Inn, Cockermouth.