31 October 2021

Fellside Wood and Old Hutton

A 4km stroll in a brief dry spell in a day of rain.

Route: Leaving the car on the road east of the top of Old Hutton by Fellside Wood and walking south through it. On exiting, turning left on a sodden footpath to the road to turn right. At a farm, turning left on a track and then right to cross fields to Popplemire Lane, rescuing a trapped sheep from a wire fence on the way. Turning an immediate right to cross a field of sheep and climb slightly to the middle of the Old Hutton settlement and then right uphill to the edge of the village. There turning right on a footpath across fields to re-join but slightly vary the outward route so as to visit the millennial four-way seat.

Conditions: largely dry, contrary to the forecast.

Pub: the Station Inn, Oxenholme, for Bowness Brewery Swan Blonde.