21 November 2021

Brackenthwaite Hows run

A 6km run plus 1km walk back to the car 

Route: leaving the car at the Lanthwaite Wood National Trust car park and taking a steep shortcut to reach the start of the the small path up Robin’s Steps to the summit plateau of Brackenthwaite Hows. Descending south and picking up the path within the wood by its eastern wall to join the small path descending to the boat house. Thence, round the lake, round the ‘Horn’, along the further swimming beach to walk up the hillside beyond the wall and to join the higher level path from along the lake. Experimenting, by taking a faint path on the left to attempt to maintain altitude and cut a corner but in fact finding no continuing path and running across a steep slope on soft ground hidden by leaves (so, not to be repeated). Continuing round the end of Mellbreak before descending to the Kirkstile Inn for lunch. Afterwards walking back along the road to the car park. 

Conditions: cold but bright and sunny.

Pub: The Kirkstile Inn, Loweswater for Cumbrian Legendary Ales, Esthwaite Bitter, Vanilla Oatmeal Stout and lunch.