2 January 2022

Hopebeck and High Swinside by road

A 7km road loop a bit late in the day, inspired by the North Lakes New Year Half Marathon (Lois only).

Route: From the cottage north along the road, up to the Pass and down to the Tenter Lane new building project to photograph progress, and on round the village to Hopebeck Lane. Following this to Hopebeck, planning to go on to loop round by Turner How farm (following the NLNYHM route) but, weather driving in from the south, deciding to turn left and head up to High Swinside. There carrying on to the junction of the Boonbeck to Blaze Bridge road and turning back down that road for home.

Conditions: Initially just windy but with rain increasing off and on and fair lashing my face on the final stretch back in the almost-dark.

Pub? Tea and Christmas cake at home