8 March 2022

Long How and Nether How from Buttermere

A tiny 2km expedition on the way to a pint.

Route: leaving the car at the Buttermere NT car park (free for NT members) and for the first time taking the gate out of the car park to the north. Following it left at the first apparent junction but then heading right uphill at the next climbing to the top of Long How. Retracing a little way and continuing north to reach the shore of Crummock. Turning left along the shore, across a footbridge and initially round but then sharply up Nether How. Descending to the west and then following the path back via the entrance to the Syke Farm campsite and hence to the Bridge Hotel.

Conditions: a cold wind but bright sun and blue sky.

Pub: the Bridge Hotel, Buttermere, for Tractor Shed Mowdy Pale Ale.