4 May 2022

Contrasting sections of the Keswick-Threlkeld Railway path and Dam Mire Wood

A 10km walk exploring a section of railway path and the new Dam Mire Wood, on an uninspiring day.

Route: leaving the car parked at on the B-road at Threlkeld Bridge and walking north on a path through woodland to join the Keswick-Threlkeld railway path, turning left, west towards Keswick. After crossing three substantial bridges over the River Greta (and through one short tunnel), turning right to join a minor road uphill and then right off it to a footbridge and then up a track to a junction. Continuing roughly straight on a path fairly steeply uphill across fields and a stepped section in woods to reach the Blencathra Centre. Here choosing one of the many paths to contour round the lower slopes of the fell, briefly joining a C-road and continuing past Blease Farm turning right to descend Kilnhow Beck. Just by the car park in Threlkeld, diverting to look at the newly planted Dam Mire Wood. Continuing downhill with the beck to the village centre and along the road, east, to cross the A66 and pick up a path to Threlkeld Hall. Doubling back here to the river and following this west to a road bridge. Crossing and heading uphill to join an unrefurbished part of the railway path, crossing the B5322 to rejoin the path to reach the car.

Conditions: low cloud and cool but dry.

Pub: the Fox Tap at the Keswick Brewery, Keswick, for Resist and Thirst-quencher.