20 July 2022

Watch Hill

A tiny walk up, and run down, Watch Hill.

Route: leaving the car at GR 137312 at a lay-by at the intersection of the Cockermouth to Embleton road with the road to Setmurthy Common and taking the hand gate to a clear path making very gradual progress up the ridge towards Watch Hill. However, following the path on lower down into the woods and taking the righter of two forks to follow a path in a clear part of the woods until it descended to a rough forest road. Following this east to a small path on the right through older deciduous trees, gaining ground to the summit tree-free. From here on a lower path to the end of the ridge and the spot named ‘Watch Hill’ overlooking Cockermouth. Then running downhill, L spurning the conventions of clothed modesty, back to the road and thus the car.

Conditions: 20C after the two-day heatwave and cloudy but hot running down.

Pub: the Swan Inn, Cockermouth, for Fyne Ales Jarl.