6 August 2022

Two equally-enjoyable expeditions from Buttermere

A 4km lakeside saunter for T and a glorious 4.5km run over Rannerdale Knotts for L.

For T, leaving the car at the NT car park (almost empty at 6pm) and heading north into the woodland and then via pathless meandering to high points and views on Long How before descending to the shore. Then back over Nether How past the campsite to the pub.

For L: from the NT car park turning left up the road to take the track shortcutting the road-bend opposite Wood House, then rejoining the road as far as the bridleway leading up opposite the beach at the east end of Crummock Water. Running along and gradually up through the bracken to turn right, and then right again up the newly-made steps climbing steeply up to the higher shelf west of Rannerdale Knotts and walking up through the crags to the summit from there. From the top picking a way along the ridge through the knotts and then running along the clear path down Low Bank, encumbered only by occasional freshly-shorn sheep to the junction of paths at the top of Rannerdale. There turning right to run down to the road, and there left to run into the village and down to the pub.

Conditions: cloudy but with bright hints and later even a little sun.

Pub: the Buttermere Court Hotel (née Fish), Buttermere, for Corby Eachy of Bassenthwaite and Lakeland Summit.