17 September 2022

Raven Crag via Middlesteads Gill

An 11km walk partly influenced by the supposed closure of lakeside car parks (which turned out to be open) and an eccentric route suggestion from Mark Richards.

Route: leaving the car at Rough How Bridge (parking limited to 2 hours but surely not enforced) and taking the track to Shoulthwaite Farm and then the broad forestry track south-east to the road and along to the first supposedly closed car park. Taking the shoreline, once being pushed back onto the minor road, as far as the Armboth car park (south of which the road was closed). Taking Mark Richards' preferred route directly uphill to the right of Middlesteads Gill, keeping close to a fence on his advice, supposedly to avoid the shoulder-high bracken. This proving utterly false the fence was nevertheless helpful as a handhold given the loose but invisible path below. 

On reaching the gorge at the top of the stream probably getting a little lost and staying on (although well below the ridge of) the High Tove - High Seat grassy plateau. Eventually re-entering forestry land on a clear track to the main junction just north of Raven Crag and taking the stepped path to its summit. Continuing north on the forest track, afterwards, descending and, having turned east, finding a tiny path left back down to Shoulthwaite Farm and thence the car.

Conditions: a lovely autumn day with cool air though warm in the sun and while fighting uphill in bracken.

Pub: the Horse and Farrier, Threlkeld, for Tirril Ullswater Blonde and Dungeon Ghyll Stout.