9 April 2023

Buttermere evening pre-church/pub stroll

A 2km evening stroll.

Route: leaving the car in the NT car park (largely empty even after a warm Easter Sunday at 5:20pm) and taking the path north-west through a gate to turn left onto a clear gravel path. Turning right off this on a fainter path to ascend slightly and then descend to the north of Long How and to the lakeshore. Turning left to cross a footbridge and ascend Nether How, descending to the path round it. Crossing another footbridge to strike steeply pathlessly up Long How watching 4 deer slowly retreating, descending back to the outward path and the car park and then continuing to St James’ for Festal Evensong (the pub).

Conditions: a cloudy evening after a largely sunny day.

Pub: a very busy Buttermere Court Hotel for Corby Summit, perching by the menus shelf.