27 July 2023

6km evening run in Kendal

A 6km run from Alexander’s at the Castle Green Hotel.

Route: leaving the car in the lower carpark at the Castle Green and running up Singleton Park Road to cross the railway and turn right to run across muddy fields parallel with the WCML and then crossing underneath it. Finding the previous rough foot bridge had been washed away (not a surprise to Lois), crossing via the stonework - hand over hand - and then running through woodland parallel to the Lakes Line. Crossing through houses on snickelways then taking a footpath to climb the hill at Aikrigg and descend directly to turn left down Park Side Road, right through the graveyard and then uphill at awalk to the castle. Descending due north but turning right to keep off road and head via Kendal Stores to the underpass under the Lakes Line, left on Rusland Park and then uphill to the start on Castle Green Lane.

Conditions: dry though cloudy.

Pub: Alexander’s for Tirril Windermere Blonde.