6 August 2023

7km Kentmere run including the Three Rivers path

A 7km run as part of an informal 5-10km running programme.

Route: leaving the car parked near the Ullthwaite Bridge, crossing the bridge and running along the track past Croft Head and right along a path through the pottery to the Hollingworth & Vose factory. Here finding the original path now blocked using the newly-signed alternative which runs around the factory to rejoin the original route. Running along the green valley bottom path towards Kentmere Hall almost missing the slightly trespassy path at a crossroads in the woods (because it was disguised as an overgrown single track path) to ascend to reach the main track south from Kentmere, climbing slowly onto the moors. At the crossroads of paths at a stream crossing, taking the left turn descending the Three Rivers path, to the controversial resurfacing past Croft Head, now somewhat bedded in, and down the road to Ullthwaite Bridge and the car.

Conditions: a dry still but muggy day, perfect, it transpires, for irritating flies.

Pub: the Hawkshead Brewery, Staveley, for WPA and Mosaic.