25 October 2023

Kendal to Staveley 13+km run

A 13.5km run over Cunswick Scar.

Route: leaving the house and running down Oxenholme Road to cross Romney Bridge and pick up the riverside path and then along the pavement. Taking Kirkbarrow Lane aka T’Crack to Buttery Well Road to Captain French Lane and then the snicket to the Revolution Obelisk on Castle Howe and then along Serpentine Road to the Tramway. Walking various parts of the ascent across the golf course (pathfinding not going exactly according to plan), running down to cross the A591 on the footbridge and then directly across Cunswick Scar to the descent (on stones and roots covered with shifting leaves), across a field, through a wood and then left towards Cunswick Hall. Turning right on a muddy footpath to Fellgate farm and Cappelrigg lane and across the Crook Road. Then on damp paths past Knott Hill, detouring left to avoid marshes, and descending boldly to cross the A591, go under the Lakes Railway Line and reach the Brewery.

Conditions: some surprising sun at the start but a slight spit in the air by the end.

Pub: the Hawkshead Brewery, Staveley, for Cumbrian Five Hop and Prime Porter.