16 September 2024

Ambleside to Windermere 11km run

A solitary 11km linear run (L with a fractured shoulder, still).

Route: taking the 10.21am train from Oxenholme to Windermere and then the 10.45am 599 bus to Waterhead pier. Running north for 100m along the A5075 and then right along a c-road to the other main road (A591) into Ambleside. Across that road, taking an unmarked set of stone steps/very much a waterfall to reach the main track to Jenkin Crag. 

Part-way along, foolishly diverting right in search of views but losing too much altitude and thus turning left up a steep linear track (thus water eroded), at a walk, to reach Jenkin Crag. Then along familiar tracks to descend into Troutbeck, cross the A592 and ascend a stony track again at a walk, turning right on a grassy path to cut a corner and eventually reach Longmire Road. At the end of the track, descending the c-road a little to turn left through a gate on a clear path on soggy ground to Far Orrest. Thence to Crosses Farm and left along the c-road to turn right into the wood and by familiar paths under Orrest Head to Windermere and the Crafty Baa.

Conditions: cool to begin with (12C) but clear skies and sunny

Pub: the Crafty Baa, Windermere, for iffy Taylors Landlord and then a half of Snaily Pale.

12 September 2024

Canalside run from Crooklands

A 10km run while Lois - in a sling - visited the Westmorland County Show on PTC business.

Route: leaving the car at the layby on the A65 near Millness Hill and crossing the canal to descend overgrown steps to the canal towpath - which was being resurfaced - and heading north, past the busy showground and along beyond Stainton Bridge End Bridge to what used to be the end of the filled section. Crossing back and taking the path to look at the aquifer. Then backtracking to reach a route across fields to a very overgrown, un-runnable path to a tarmac track to Commonmire. 

Following the road to reach a path heading south, climbing to Stubb Farm and then a steeply up a small hill. Descending to the village of Endmoor and crossing to descend a road and then turn right along a path parallel to Peasey Beck and stopping the run at the Crooklands Hotel, joined later by Lois. (Afterwards, walking back along the canal to the car.)

Conditions: 10C but warm in bright sun.

Pub: Crooklands Hotel, Crooklands, for Kirkby Lonsdale Monumental.

11 September 2024

A stroll into town

A short walk into town to run an errand and try a new bar. An Outdoor Day merely because of the jeopardy of Lois falling over on her broken shoulder (in high winds and on slippery terrain at times!) while wearing a sling.

Route: from Howe Bank Close, down Blea Tarn Road, Fulmar Drive, taking the snicket to Buttermere Drive, the snicket to Tarn Close and along Hayfell Avenue to Archers Meadow. Then thorough the graveyard and past the castle across Stramongate Bridge to the bus station and via another yard to Stricklandgate (to return a bowl to Molly at Charlie's) and then to Wainwright's Yard for a beer and coffee at Elsewhere (open 3 or 4 weeks by then). Afterwards a rare bus trip home on the 41. 

Conditions: icy wind to begin with but then surprisingly warm in an autumnal way.

Pub: Elsewhere, Wainwright's Yard, Kendal for a final sample of a Hawkshead beer (Taranaki), and half of their Elsewhere Cider, after the shocking closure of the Staveley brewery the day before.