16 September 2024

Ambleside to Windermere 11km run

A solitary 11km linear run (L with a fractured shoulder, still).

Route: taking the 10.21am train from Oxenholme to Windermere and then the 10.45am 599 bus to Waterhead pier. Running north for 100m along the A5075 and then right along a c-road to the other main road (A591) into Ambleside. Across that road, taking an unmarked set of stone steps/very much a waterfall to reach the main track to Jenkin Crag. 

Part-way along, foolishly diverting right in search of views but losing too much altitude and thus turning left up a steep linear track (thus water eroded), at a walk, to reach Jenkin Crag. Then along familiar tracks to descend into Troutbeck, cross the A592 and ascend a stony track again at a walk, turning right on a grassy path to cut a corner and eventually reach Longmire Road. At the end of the track, descending the c-road a little to turn left through a gate on a clear path on soggy ground to Far Orrest. Thence to Crosses Farm and left along the c-road to turn right into the wood and by familiar paths under Orrest Head to Windermere and the Crafty Baa.

Conditions: cool to begin with (12C) but clear skies and sunny

Pub: the Crafty Baa, Windermere, for iffy Taylors Landlord and then a half of Snaily Pale.