15 September 2014

Rothbury to Berwick

The final, 50 mile day of the cycle trip, heading north, sometimes on Sustrans Route 68.

Route: heading initially west to Thropton before turning uphill north west and into the cloud to Trewitt Hall, then north east to join the main road descending to Whittingham. Climbing to Glanton and beyond and descending to Powburn where, the coffee shop being shut, coffee was taken at a garage. East to Branton and then either fording/wading the river (Steve) or crossing by bridge (the others) before tracking the edge of the National Park north. A detour to stay off the A696 followed by a spin through Wooler and then another detour to the north of the A-road before sprinting to reach a sadly closed pub at Milfiled. On via the 68 to lunch at the thatched Black Bull pub at Etal. Afterwards a relentless, hilly B6354 to Berwick.

Conditions: initial low cloud and drizzle giving way to heavy rain.

Pubs: at lunch time, the Black Bull, Etal for bottled Hadrian Border Brewery Farne Island; in the evening the Barrel Ale House for Jarrow Brewery, Rivet Catcher; Hadrian Border Brewery, Secret Kingdom and Arran Brewery Dug IPA.