12 September 2014

Whitehaven to Wheyrigg

A very flat, 51 mile official first day of the cycle trip with Ian Lyne and Steve Mitchell.

Route: taking a cycle path to Workington and then on another ex-railway on the Reivers Route Camerton and then by minor road to to Cockermouth for coffee in Brysons. Returning to Great Broughton and then climbing to cross Boughton Moor to Maryport for lunch outside the UKIP supporting Lifeboat pub. Taking an easy cycle way by a golf course to Allonby and then a tedious inland detour on the way to Silloth for a great coffee at Mrs Wilsons (kindly letting us in after the 4pm closing time). Then via rather squalid countryside to Wheyrigg Hall.

Conditions: warm and hazy but little direct sun.

Pubs: at lunchtime, the Lifeboat Maryport for Cumbrian Legendary Ales, Langdale; in the evening, the Wheyrigg Hall for bottled William Bros 7 Giraffes and the Birds and Bees, and Drygate Gladeye IPA.