25 September 2016

9/12km circuit of Kentmere

A good run on a blustery day.

Route: leaving the car gingerly at the top of the road from Browfoot at the end of the tarmac and heading on sometimes flooded tracks to join the grassy, then raised path north across marshy common, past a crossroads of paths and then descending towards Kentmere village but turning sharp right onto a muddy track to rejoin the right of way by Kentmere tarn to the factory and pottery. Here L continuing on the original plan by following tracks along to just short of the farm and then cutting up across fields to the road and the car and T continuing along the road to Staveley via Scroggs Farm and the footbridge into the rear of the Mill Yard.

Conditions: all weathers: cloud, showers, sun.

Pub: the Hawkshead Brewery, Staveley for WPA and IPA.