30 September 2016

Evening 10km Stanger circuit

A last-minute mainly road 10km run from Lorton ending in a drenching.

Route: from the cottage north on the B5289 to a footpath left opposite Casshow Wood and then across sodden fields jumping pools of standing water as far as Stanger How where a deeper pool required a detour onto the wrong side of a wall and then passing back through a hole where the wall had collapsed to tread warily on partially submerged stones. Climbing a grassy hill and then descending to Stanger, there picking up roads via Roundclose Hill and Southwaite Bridge to take the minor road past the Rogerscale farms and thus to the pub.

Conditions: a darkening evening followed by torrential rain for the last 3km.

Pub: the Wheatsheaf, Lorton for Jennings Bitter and Old Rosie cloudy cider (!).