26 September 2021

Cycle circuit of the north half of Lake Windermere

A 33km final day of the relocated Back in the Saddle cycle holiday with Ian and Steve.

Route: taking the 10:30am train from Oxenholme to Windermere and heading north on a very busy A591 to Ambleside to buy take-away provisions from the Apple Pie Café and Bakery. Heading south round the one-way system to Rothay Bridge, Clappersgate, and then the minor road (aka Sustrans 637) to Skelwith Fold and steeply uphill to reach the road under Black Crag to the Drunken Duck for a pint outside (and sneakily eaten lunch). Onwards to Knipe Fold and descending to cycle through Hawkshead and west round Esthwaite Water, briefly contemplating but rejecting a half pint at the Cuckoo Brow, and look at the recently-sold Firbank (Philip Sparling’s cottage). Descending to the ferry - via the Hatch (ice cream!) - and then steeply climbing to have a cream tea bravely in fine drizzle on the terrace at Blackwell. Then back to the station via Bowness and the A5074 to catch the 3:54pm train.

Conditions: despite a better forecast, another damp and drizzly day.

Pubs: The Drunken Duck, Barngates, for Barngates Cracker, Goodhew’s Dry Stout. Later The Factory Tap, Kendal, (without Lois) for Fyne Jarl, Fyne Sublime, Fell Crag and Thornbridge Jaipur