4 September 2021

NHS couch to 5km run from Mawbray Banks with later swim

The end of week 4 of the couch to 5km programme and what may have been the final swim of the season.

Route: leaving the car at the car park on the dirt track opposite the road into Mawbray from the B5300. Running north along wide grassy tracks through the scrubby grass and later sand dunes of the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and Site of Special Scientific Interest. Passing the mainly dried-up pools in which Natterjack Toads breed and then running along the dune edge by the shore. When the road squeezed close to, turning right down a tarmac cycle path by the road. At another small car park, turning back into the grassland and roughly retracing the outward route.

Later, parking at the Lanthwaite Wood NT car park (2/3 full at 3:30pm) and walking round to the pebbly beach under Dropping Crag on Melbreak and swimming for long enough to feel significant core body heat loss.

Conditions: cloudy and with a breeze but surprisingly warm.

Pub: after the run, the Lowther Arms community pub, Mawbray, for Hesketh Newmarket Skiddaw and Doris’ 90th Birthday and a light lunch of rich mushroom soup and fine bacon roll.