25 December 2021

Ling Fell and Seacross Lonning

A 7km Christmas Day walk.

Route: leaving the car by the side of the road at the entrance to Ling Fell near Eskin and climbing onto the fellside and uphill left to join a level track heading clockwise round the fell. After about one quarter circuit, heading sharply back right on a clear path very slowly climbing the fell. At about where the map shows it ending, turning left at a clear path crossroads and then following an obvious route (crossing other paths) to the summit. Continuing south-west and then west at a fork towards a wall and then right down a shallow valley then right parallel with the wall to a gate. For the first time, going through the gate and following a grassy path across a field approaching Green Lonning and joining this at Highside Farm. Descending the track to St Cuthbert's church (stopping in for a quick visit) and then east along the road to descend to a very wet and muddy Seacross Lonning. Following this to Wythop Mill and then taking a path shortcut back to reach the upper road and walk along to the car.

Conditions: after a bitterly cold and windy morning, slightly less cold and windy with some blue sky and even sun.

Pub: the Pheasant Inn, Bassenthwaite, for Cumbrian Legendary Ales Loweswater Gold.