12 December 2021

Underbarrow 5+km stroll

A 5km stroll on a wet and cloudy day.

Route: leaving the car at the Black Labrador, Underbarrow, and heading northeast on a road and then right on a footpath through a farm complex and onto wet fields, climbing. Passing through the muddy farmyard of Tranthwaite Hall and then along a track to a junction of paths, taking a route across fields to the west of a stream. Joining a clearer track heading north past Bell Hill on the left before turning left on another track to circumnavigate the hill and head south. Taking a track and then path to the right and - missing a possible turning - continuing on a wet Chapel Lane to the church in Underbarrow and then back along unmade lanes to the start.

Conditions: ground level cloud; light rain increasing.

Pub: The Black Labrador, Underbarrow, for Windermere Winter’s Tail and Fell Brewery Late Night John.