2 September 2023

7.5km run from Bassenthwaite village to the lake around Scarness

A 7.5km run from Bassenthwaite village to, and along, the lakeshore (busy with swimmers and families at certain points) and back, somewhat impeded by overgrown paths.

Route: leaving the car by the green in Bassenthwaite village and heading southwest to cross the A591 and continue on a very muddy track joining a path diverging from it south first across fields and then by a stream, very narrow and overgrown. At a path crossroads by a second footbridge to the right, running left to Scarness and then taking a good path towards the lake and round it to gain a boardwalk. Along this by the lake round a vague promontory to rejoin the road, turning left and ignoring a path to take the next green track right to Mire Side and back along a C-road to recross the A591 and back to the start.

Conditions: sunny and 19C on 2 September.

Pub: the Sun Inn, Bassenthwaite, for Wainwright Gold.