23 September 2023

Slightly extended 9km circuit of Buttermere

The first post Cto5Km run to reach 9km.

Route: leaving the car in the NT car park (almost completely full at noon) and taking the path north-west through a gate to turn left onto a clear gravel path. Turning right off this on a fainter path to ascend slightly and then descend to the north of Long How and to the Crummock Water lakeshore. Turning left to cross a footbridge and circuit Nether How and back past the campsite to the central village car park. Climbing up the road to pass through Wilkinsyke Farm and thus circuit the lake clockwise taking the path over the tunnel. On reaching the south end of the lake 6km later, continuing along the wet and trippy riverside (Buttermere Dubs) path to the second bridge and back to the pub from there.

Conditions: mainly cloudy with some hints of sun.

Pub: the Buttermere Court Hotel for Corby Lakeland Summit and a panini lunch.