8 June 2019

10km on-road circuit of Lorton Vale

An on-road 10km circuit from Lanthwaite back to Lorton after a day of rain.

Route: leaving the car at the Lanthwaite Green NT car park (free to members) and running north, back along the main road over Scales Hill, past the turn off to Buttermere and turning right, uphill on the road to Hope Beck and along to the crossroads in the middle of Lorton. Turning left to Low Lorton, over the river and along to road past Thackthwaite and then the first left to cut the corner back to the start.

Conditions: after a day of rain, drizzle at the start but becoming dry with even hints of shadows by the end.

Pub: the Kirkstile Inn, Loweswater, for Cumbrian Legendary Ales Session IPA.