6 June 2019

Kendal run from Alexander's

A fine summer's evening 5.5km run with, sadly, an element of trespass.

Route: leaving the car at the Castle Green Hotel and running up Sedbergh Road making some use of its rough margin. Turning right on a track to Birk Hagg farm and then keeping right to use the track over the Lakes Line railway. Turning left on Valley Drive and then via a paved path through urban parkland to the Heron Pub. Up the hill on Esthwaite Avenue, turning right onto Silver How Close and right on an obscure snickleway to the grassy area marked as 'dog walking area' on the map. Here, illegally, turning left and across barbed wire and two fields to rejoin a right of way left descending to turn left on Parkside Road. Through the graveyard and up past the castle, descending to Castle Road, then joining Sedbergh Road, under the railway line and back to the start.

Conditions: during an otherwise wet and miserable June week, a fine sunny evening.

Pub: Alexander's, Castle Green Hotel, for Handsome Brewery Stranger.