1 June 2019

High Cup Nick

Given the lack of visibility. rather a disappointing 14km walk with Anne and Frank.

Route: leaving the car near the pub in the village centre in Dufton and heading south east along the road to Town Head and turning left up hill on a road signed Pennine Way and High Cup Nick. At Bow Hall, the road becoming a stony track through fields and reaching moorland 1km later. At a complicated sheep fold, taking a hand gate and heading roughly orthogonally away from the wall on a smaller path and then regaining the main track and heading into cloud. At a stone marked with an arrow, following the arrow to a higher path easily crossing a stream and walking on grass round to the top of the valley of High Cup Nick with no views whatsoever. Not fancying the route down into the valley (steep, stony path with water cascading over it), retracing our steps but taking the lower path and thus getting more involved in crossing the stream. Regaining visibility at the sheep fold.

Conditions: from about the 400m contour, no visibility and for a time wind and rain.

Pub: the Stag Inn, Dufton, for Allendale Pennine Pale and Fell Crag.